
2007-09-12 7:28 pm

回答 (3)

2007-09-12 11:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
too much negative news and problemic company, ever announce the bad news still many people want to ad the lowest price, bnp & citibank already targeted as 0.12 & 0.22 and strategic as SOLD, and KMPG also annouce have 2.3b are uncertain account receivable amount and part of them need to write off. Chairman still not come back to settle the long term debt 2.8b and bankers also have their demand letter to 48 to settle those debt in the certain period. yesterday market price 0.66, the total capital already reduced to less than 1b.

cannot image this time to stop the share price will have the good news announce, god bless to those still hold the share peole.
2007-09-12 8:36 pm
唔好諗得這麼壞。之前己有基金係 0.66的價位狂掃入貨。停牌可能係有人已購入 30%的股權,想進行收購。
其實聯洲有屬下4間獨立運作的公司。基本經營係歐洲 中國都應有一定實力。
以上全為個人 斷x估。請自己衡量。
2007-09-12 7:44 pm
,仲有壞消息?不過早前供貨商準備入稟,申請聯洲破產,係唔係呢一單呢?係就大鑊 囉!

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