English grammar question... i was / i were

2007-09-12 9:18 am
i know for "i" and "you" we use plural forms like

should it be i was or i were?

like "I was the one who ate the cake"
or... "If i were in World War 1..."

when should i use was or were??


no wiki please

回答 (3)

2007-09-12 10:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
當假設性問題 , 而又無可能發生時 , 該用 were

e.g. If I were you, I should not lend him money.

註 : 我永遠也無可能係你嘛.... 所以在這時候用 I were ....

e.g. If I were a bird, I would fly around the world.
註 : 同樣地 , 我永遠都不會是鳥

e.g. If I were a millionaire, I would donate one-third of money to the
Community Chest.

註 : 在這情況下, 因為你認為你永遠都不會是百萬富翁 , 所以用 were

WAS 是過去式, 是描述你過去曾發生的事

e.g. While I was busy in the kitchen, the phone rang.

e.g. I was not in good mood this morning.

e.g. I was taller than my sister when I was studying in primary school.

2007-09-12 9:54 am
i was- 係1d你曾經的確發生過既事 你就會用i was.
for example:你以前係小學生....i was a primary student.
i were- 1d你冇可能發生但係你幻想你會發生!!
for example: 如果你係1個女仔..你想自己係男仔既...你會話...if i were a boy...因為冇可能發生既事就用were
2007-09-12 9:53 am
"I was" is past tense and the event did occurred.
"I were" means event that did not actually occur. More like if "I was there I would do ...". Example: "If I were you, I would not go to that party."

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