
2007-09-12 8:14 am

回答 (3)

2007-09-12 8:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Did they explain the job nature during the job interview?? If you've already signed the contract, there's nothing you can.
Maybe you can try to talk to them, and explain to them that you are not expected to teach any computer with the current salary. See if they can increase it a bit. If not... then all you can do is give them one month resignation notice...

Good luck! :)
2007-09-12 7:19 pm
唉 ... 唔好亂咁簽約呀!!!! 唉 ... 我有林過叫你同佢講, 話屋企有事要 照顧家人, 所以不能做吓去, .. 但 有問題, 如果你做番 lur 行, 好細, 比佢地知道又係死, 唔做lur 行, 做第2行 law 唯有 ... 盡有, MPF 簽在未, 唔好簽住呀, ...
你試吓再睇吓份合約, 係幼稚園文員, 而不是教電腦, 你溫和同佢傾, 唔得的話, ( 談判破裂), 合約內應該有提及到, 在什麼情況吓终止合約, 例如, 成日遲到 ... 個d 衰嘢..
2007-09-12 8:19 am
你sign agreement都好難話走就走架播[[[唔係都唔定呢樣野`啦[[[
參考: ME

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