why are the siu mai wrappers in dim sum restaurants yellow, but the ones in the stores are white?

2007-09-12 3:59 am
Also, the texture of the ones in the restaurants is much softer. The only wrappers i can find in the chinese stores are white and tend to dry out a bit when they're steamed. Does anyone know where I can find the yellow ones? I live in Toronto.

回答 (8)

2007-09-12 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is likely that egg yolks are added to the siu mai wrappers in the dim sum resturants.

The same applies to wanton skins.

It wont make any different unless u are bothered by the color and there is a slight different in taste. I personally find the white skins more platable.

Try steaming in lower fire and with a lid on.
參考: experience from making chinese dumplings.
2007-09-12 5:02 am
yellow wrappers means it's made of wheat flour and eggs, white wrapper is rice flour.
2016-12-12 4:28 am
Siomai Wrapper Supplier
2007-09-15 9:30 am
yellow ones are made with egg, white ones are made with ground rice powder, the choice is yours but with both you should treat them as you do for frozen pastry - keep covered with a wet cloth to prevent them drying out,
Go into your Chinatown to one of their supermarkets and ask for the wrappers you want
good luck
2007-09-15 8:17 am
Dim sum Siu mai wrappers are same as the one they use for Cantonese wonton(the kind have shrimps in them). The white round wrappers are for Shanghai wonton & potstickers. Some brand are yellow than the others, basically they make them more yellow with coloring.
In Chinese resturant they order the wrappers directly from their noodle supplier, uaually they can make the wrappers more yellowish so the siu mai will look less like wonton and also look more attactive.
2007-09-14 11:33 pm
With yellow wrapper is usually egg is added when they make the wrapper.

The white one is without egg.

People in southern china usually use egg in their dumpling wrappers and are usually thinner.

People in Northern China usually use the white wrapper.
2007-09-12 9:03 am
r3i_unit00 is right; there are both type wrappers here in China and i do order both types yolk-yellow siu mai and rice-white har gao (prawn) - both are just as good!
2007-09-12 4:35 am
Ohmy, those in the restaurants are quite tasty :D
i've seen yellow wrappers before; you have to really look for them. they aren't very common, but they do exist. next time, why not just make your own wrappers? :)i'm no genius, but hopefully this will help and teeny weeny bit.

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