音樂劇會用某些旋律貫通整套劇 *!? [20點`]

2007-09-12 6:19 am
如題 ..


Phantom of the Opera , All I Ask Of You , , *

Even Learn to be Lonely既旋律都會o係不同的情況裡用多過一次

{分別係o係"Masquerade..Why So Slient"同埋片尾出現}

究竟呢個係個別作曲家既風格定係音樂劇既特色 ?

回答 (4)

2007-09-14 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
The story of the opera usually expresses in the form of recitatives and aria . 這也是音樂劇既特色The details of the recitatives and aria are explained as follows:
Recitative(咏嘆調) /rɛsɪtə'ti:v/ (also known by its Italian name "recitativo" (/retʃita'ti:vo/) is a style of delivery (much used in operas, oratorios, and cantatas) in which a singer is allowed to adopt the rhythms of ordinary speech. The mostly syllabic recitativo secco ("dry", accompanied only by continuo) is at one end of a spectrum through recitativo accompagnato (using orchestra), the more melismatic arioso, and finally the full blown aria or ensemble, where the pulse is entirely governed by the music. Recitative is also occasionally used in musicals, such as Carousel and especially, Of Thee I Sing.
An aria (Italian for air; plural: arie or arias in common usage) in music was originally any expressive melody, usually, but not always, performed by a singer. The term is now used almost exclusively to describe a self-contained piece for one voice usually with orchestral accompaniment. Perhaps the most common context for arias is opera, although there are many arias that form movements of oratorios and cantatas. Composers also wrote "concert arias", which are not part of any larger work, such as "Ah Perfido" by Beethoven, and a number of concert arias by Mozart.
Even Learn to be Lonely既旋律是Phantom of the Opera 的主題(main theme),所以會o係不同的情況裡用多過一次

2007-09-16 23:07:43 補充:
回應:★樂樂`﹏愛靈╮及所有網友:learn to be lonly係phantom電影音樂`,也是音樂劇Phantom of the Opera 的特色,一套歌劇在不同情況下會有不同的主題,請不要胡亂評論本人之回答。

2007-09-27 09:02:22 補充:
Thanks for your support!
2007-09-28 4:34 am

2007-09-18 5:23 am
音樂劇 = Musical = Musical comedy(USA) , musical play(USA) or musical theatre(UK).
如: the Phantom of the Opera 用 the Phantom of the Opera(especially the 5 個半音階repeated many times), All I Ask of You(whenever it takes about the love triangle.);而Learn to be Lonely係2004電映版的新插曲,音樂劇版是無的.
個人認為"{分別係o係"Masquerade..Why So Slient"同埋片尾出現}" 只係想首歌加0係片尾無0甘odd, 同加多個"意思"俾套戲.如果聽過Original london cast ,聽 Original Sound track會覺得首Learn to be Lonely係好"extra"的.
如:the sound of music use the sound of music, climb every mountain,
Les Miserable use do u hear the people sing, I dream a dream, come with me(melody= on my own)
West side story use Tonight

Even HK雪狼湖 use愛是永恆.
所以in conclusion都可以算係音樂劇既特色之一.

*guys above Musical IS NOT Opera. They are different!

2007-10-15 17:04:47 補充:
Completely not related.
參考: All from ME~
2007-09-16 6:32 am
呢個係opera ge特色黎架`
果個melody同故事主題係realated ge`
d lyrics係同story有direct relationship`
learn to be lonly係phantom電影音樂`
phantom個main melody係phantom of the opera`

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