Late 的英文解釋 (急一日之內急!!!!!!)

2007-09-12 4:37 am
Late 的英文解釋 (急一日之內急!!!!!!)

回答 (4)

2007-09-12 4:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
after the usual or right time
2007-09-12 4:59 am
A Coming, occurring, or remaining after the proper or expected time, Occurring at an advanced hour, Of or toward the end, Recent, Recently deceased: in memory of the late explorer
ADV After the usual time, After the expected time
2007-09-12 4:42 am
2007-09-12 4:42 am
1. 遲的
2. 晚的;晚期的
3. 去世不久的;已故的
4. 不久前才卸任的;前任的
5. 最近的
6. 剛到的,新的

2007-09-11 20:43:16 補充:
參考: Dr.eye

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