想要 Reference letter 的 sample

2007-09-12 4:09 am
我要幫個同事寫封 reference letter, 佢只做左五個月, 工作表現都唔錯, 佢揾到第二份工先走, 佢的職位係 工程文員, 咁封 reference letter 要點寫先得體呢, 有冇 sample 提供。

回答 (2)

2007-09-12 3:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
here's the reference letter sample for you, actually if you go to Microsoft Office website, they have a template section, you can also get some from there too.

As for a worker who just worked for 5 months for an organization, usually the reference won't be written in a very long detailed version.... from my experience.... anyway, for sure, if you would like to go with a long detailed one, that's also fine too :)

Dear Sir/Madam

(Full name of staff) was employed as a (position) at (organization) from (month & year) to (month & year). She was terminated because of (reason).
During (name of staff) brief tenure, she performed her duties very well. She was a (describe her capabilities). The co-staffs she worked with speak highly of her abilities and willingness to cooperate.

I recommend (name of staff) for any (position) position. Please feel free to call me or (past supervisor), her past supervisor, for any further information.

2007-09-12 4:13 am
Letter Sample for Employment Reference
Sample reference letter written by an employer.

Scroll down for more reference letter samples.

To whom it may concern:

I would like to recommend Sharon Doe as a candidate for a position with your organization. In her position as Staff Assistant, Sharon was employed in our office from 2002 - 2006. Sharon did an excellent job in this position and was an asset to our organization during her tenure with the office. She has excellent written and verbal communication skills, is extremely organized, can work independently and is able to follow through to ensure that the job gets done.

During her tenure with XXXX, Sharon was responsible for supervising the department office assistants. These assistants, under Sharon's management, were responsible for many of the office's basic administrative and clerical functions. Sharon effectively scheduled and managed several assistants to maintain efficient office operations.

Sharon was always willing to offer her assistance and had an excellent rapport with the many constituents served by our office including clients, employers, and other professional organizations. She would be an asset to any employer and I recommend her for any endeavor she chooses to pursue.

Yours truly,

Jane Smith

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