
2007-09-12 4:06 am
@Changing Rooms
-They are divided into b _ _ _and g_ _ _ _rooms.
-When you have you PE lessons,you need to go there and c _ _ _ _ _ into you PE clothes.
-They are divided into b _ _ _ and g _ _ _ _ rooms.
-After using the toilet,you should f _ _ _ _ it and wash your hands.
-You can borrow books and you must r _ _ _ _ _ them on time.
-You have to keep s _ _ _ _ _ in the library all time.

回答 (3)

2007-09-12 4:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
@Changing Rooms
-They are divided into (boys) and (girls) rooms.
-When you have you PE lessons,you need to go there and (change) into you PE clothes.
-They are divided into (boys) and (girls) rooms.
-After using the toilet,you should (flush) it and wash your hands.
-You can borrow books and you must (return) them on time.
-You have to keep (slient) in the library all time.


~413 - (Geography) room
~307 - (Remedial Teaching Room)
~308 - (english activty room)
~215 - (art) and design room
~103-105(general office)
~106-107 - staffroom (B)
參考: me囉~
2007-09-12 4:20 am
@changing room: Boys, girls, change
@washroom: boys, girls, flush
@library:return, silent

612: chemistry, 614: physics, 212: music room, 215, art and design room, 413, i have no ideal
2007-09-12 4:17 am
@Changing Rooms
-They are divided into boys' and girls' rooms.
-When you have you PE lessons,you need to go there and change into you PE clothes.
-They are divided into boys' and girls' rooms.
-After using the toilet,you should flash it and wash your hands.
-You can borrow books and you must r eturn them on time.
-You have to keep silent in the library all time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:56:08
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