May i know how to translate

2007-09-11 8:28 pm
係飛機到休息得好嗎 ?
都有睡過一陣, 但個人成日坐係到屈住, 所以有d周身骨痛
昨晚睡得好嗎 ?
非常好, 由8點睡至今早7點, 沒有醒過, 休息時間好像比香港還多
明早我會執埋行理同掜埋check out, 佢check out 時間係12:00,我想沖埋涼先上機都沒可能了
你去邊度食早餐/晚餐呀 ?

回答 (4)

2007-09-11 11:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
All I want to do now is to take a shower and have a good rest.

係飛機到休息得好嗎 ?
Are you able to sleep well on the plane?

都有睡過一陣, 但個人成日坐係到屈住, 所以有d周身骨痛
I did sleep for a while but it was not that comfortable. That's why my body was aching.

昨晚睡得好嗎 ?
Did you sleep well last night?

非常好, 由8點睡至今早7點, 沒有醒過, 休息時間好像比香港還多
Very good. I slept from 8 last night till 7 this morning. It was a very good sleep and in fact, I think I had a good rest than in Hong Kong.

明早我會執埋行理同掜埋check out, 佢check out 時間係12:00,我想沖埋涼先上機都沒可能了
I will pack and check out tomorrow morning. Their check out time is 12:00. I'd love to take a shower before taking the plane but I don't think it is possible.

The hotel room rate didn't include breakfast.

你去邊度食早餐/晚餐呀 ?
Where are you going for breakfast/dinner?

Somewhere nearby the hotel.
2007-09-11 9:28 pm
I now want to take a shower and have a good rest.
Did you have a good rest on the plane?
I did have a rest but there wasnt enough space so it was uncomfortable.
Did you sleep well last night?
Very well, I slept from eight last night until seven this morning, I had more rest than when I was in Hong Kong.
I will pack up tomorrow, then I will check out. His check out time is 12.00, I would like to have a bath because I would not be able to do so on the plane.
Is the breakfast included?
Where will you have your lunch/dinner?
Only near the hotel.
2007-09-11 9:16 pm
1) I would love to get a shower and get a good rest right now.
2) Did you get your sleep on the flight?
3) I slept for a while. The seat was too cramped and now all my bones are aching.
4) Did you sleep well last night?
5) Very well. From eight last night till seven this morning without waking up. It feels like I slept more than I normally do in HK
6) I am going to take my bags and check out tomorrow morning but the check out time is at 12 so I guess I won't have time for a shower before my flight.
7) Is breakfast free here?
8) Where are you going to have your breakfast and supper?
9) Just anywhere near the hotel.
2007-09-11 9:01 pm
What I need the most is a bath and rest properly.

係飛機到休息得好嗎 ?
Did you sleep/rest well on the plane?

都有睡過一陣, 但個人成日坐係到屈住, 所以有d周身骨痛
I slept/rest awhile, but sitting all day makes my body aches!

昨晚睡得好嗎 ?
Do you have a good night sleep/sleep well yesterday?

非常好, 由8點睡至今早7點, 沒有醒過, 休息時間好像比香港還多
Very good, never been woke up from yesterday 8pm till this morning 7am; more resting time/hours than Hong Kong.

明早我會執埋行理同掜埋check out, 佢check out 時間係12:00,我想沖埋涼先上機都沒可能了
I will pack my luggage/bags before I check out tomorrow.However, it's impossible for me to take a bath before doing so for the check out time is 12:00.

Do the charge concluded with breakfast?

你去邊度食早餐/晚餐呀 ?
Where do go/choose for breakfast/dinner?

Just somewhere nearby the hotel./ Just the hotel nearby.

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