
2007-09-11 7:15 pm

回答 (3)

2007-09-11 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實有很多網址可以提供有關催收賬款英文商業信件, 以下是其中一個, 並附上例子:

[company name ]
[company address ]
[contact numbers ]

[ date ]

Your ref.:
Our ref.:

[ name and title of recipient ]
[ recipient’s address]

Dear [ name ],

Re: Reminder of the late payment

This is to remind you according to our record, it is shown that you have not yet settled the payment for [ the topic (eg: invoice # 1234, or Aug out-standing) ].

You are advised to settle the payment as soon as possible, otherwise we will charge an additional cost of 3% based on the total out-standing [ the amount ].

Should you have any questions regarding your payment status, you are welcome to discuss.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours truly,

[ signature ]

[ name ]
[ title ]

pls. refer to

2007-09-11 7:45 pm

According to our accounting department records, (Company Name) has had an outstanding balance of HK$XXX wotj is since (Date). We would very much appreciate your checking this out against your records.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information.

Thank you very much


2007-09-11 7:27 pm
Re : Overdue Account

We refer to the attached invoice/s. To date we have not received payment from you settlement of our outstanding charges despite our reminders.

We would be grateful if you could now follow up on our outstanding fees and arrange for settlement within the next........days, in order to keep the account at a reasonable level.

We look forward to receiving payment and continuing our strong relationship with you. In the interim if you have any queries in respect of the forgoing, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned on....

Yours sincerely,


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