小 六 English (一)

2007-09-11 4:31 pm
Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions :
E.g. : We have P.E. lessons ___on____ Mondays .
Once there was a poor donkey. Its master always put heavy things ________ its back . It had work _________ morning_______ nigth.
Sometime its master did not give any food ________ it. ______last it died sadly.

回答 (3)

2007-09-11 4:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Once there was a poor donkey. Its master always put heavy things ____on____ its back . It had work ___from______ morning___to____ night.

Sometime its master did not give any food ___to_____ it. __At____last it died sadly.
2007-09-11 5:47 pm
&n bsp; &nbs p; Once there was a poor donkey. Its master always put heavy things __on______ its back . It had work _____in____ morning__at_____ nigth.
Sometime its master did not give any food ___to_____ it. ___At___last it died sadly.
2007-09-11 4:43 pm
Once there was a poor donkey. Its master always put heavy things _on_ its

back . It had work _from_ morning_to/until_ nigth.
Sometime its master did not give any food _to_ it. _At_last it died sadly.

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