
2007-09-11 2:06 pm

因為我現在依然在highschool,我不知道如果我是國際學生,我的highschool GPA是不是就沒有用了...


我就想知佢係咪想我以國際學生身分讀大學.而唔係本地生(其實冇所謂,我個dream school對本地國際學費一樣...重要係care唔care gpa!!)


回答 (2)

2007-09-11 4:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
但要考SAT 同 ACT 上大學loo...
既然你係有GREEN CARD 咁即係話你唔係international student既身份laaa...
學費當然跟返regular student ga la...
仲有就算你係以咩身份highschool 既GPA一定有用ga...
coz大學睇你GPA ga ma..
又or 你可能跟本唔夠時間讀番哂d credit
所以佢要你考toefl loo...
參考: coz i study in high skool at usa..
2007-09-11 4:05 pm
SAT is a national test, which is similar to the HKAL.

Normally, you need to get through the SAT, in order to get in any college in the US. (i.e. So, taking it doesn't mean you are local/ international.)

Also, your GPA is still valid, no matter you are a local/ an international student. But my advice would be take the SAT, instead of Toefl, it sounds weir, as you are a local student. Colleges prefer SAT over the Toefl, as Toefl is Test of English as a Foreign Language. So, it is similar to Syl A & Syl B in English at HKCEE level.High scores in Toefl means so little to them. I saw so many High Toefl scores Asian International students have problems in English.

In addition, you should not apply as an international student, as you are a greencard holder, even the tuitionis same. You would not get any assistantship, only limited hrs or opp to work on campus and none tax advantage.

So good luck.~
Colleges in the States are so different to those in Hong Kong. It could be an awesome exp, if you could manage your studies.

P.S. I guess the reason that your counselor asked you to take Toefl is to pay safe. Just in case, if you don't get a good result in SAT, you would still have a sound Toefl result as a backup. So, taking it is no bad, just a matter of another exam.
參考: past exp

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