
2007-09-11 10:19 am
租屋如果簽訂了一年生約和一年死約 , 但因有特別
情況住唔夠一年 , 會有什麼問題和影響呢 ? 在此情
況下 , 一個月的按金有沒有得退回的呢 ?

回答 (3)

2007-09-11 10:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
無, 仲想攞返按金?
一般正式來講, 一年死約係梗死
如果未到走, 要補番餘下的租
即你只租左兩個月, 咁你想走, 要賠十個月租比人
呢個係最正式, 不過依家好少戶主咁set 分約,
最多攞你一個月按金. 所以問清楚, 租約呢d 有得傾架ma, 有商有量
2007-09-11 7:51 pm
一年死約, 即頭12個月內; 雙方都唔可以搬. 業主都唔能夠叫你搬 ka wor. 係一項保障權益黎 ka ma. 故你依家住唔夠12個月. 唔止冇得攞番按. 仲要賠番未住既月數比業主 ka. 例如 : 你只住左8個月. 咁應該賠4個月租 la. 但你有2個月按金係業主道. 咁你實質賠2個月 lor. 如此類推.

2007-09-11 7:06 pm
caution money is for protection of the lessor (property owner) from non-payment of rent or damage of property / furniture.

e.g., if you have not paid the rent for a month, the lessor can deduct the money from the caution money he is holding, so as to cover his loss.

However, if you decide to terminate the contract within 1 yr (fixed term), you have, strictly speaking, to pay for the remaining rent for that year. This is irrespective to your caution money. The lessor can still deduct your caution money, on top of that, if you damage the furniture.

Of course, there is always another way to deal with it. You can negotiate with the lessor to pay less, coz the lessor can lease the flat out again. He may get the same, or even higher rental income if the property market booms. As a result, you can chat with the lessor to ask for just pay for his damage (i.e. additional commission for agent in pro rata basis, and loss of rental income if it drops in the succeeding lease contract)

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