
2007-09-11 8:00 am
十多歲時脫去三隻大牙,當年還未有兒童牙科保健,一痛就去脫牙,就係咁冇好好保留牙齒,孩子出生後,牙齒位置開始嚴重移位,現在有點怪,要整的話可能好貴的,如果一步一步的去處,應該點做先呢! cool牙 /種牙 等都吾知點算?但又好想整,有邊度有得以供款形式去整牙的呢?請各位指教一下吧? 謝謝.

回答 (3)

2007-09-11 8:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-09-11 8:16 am
Usally the orthodontic treatment can help you, and many orthodontic clinic they pay by 12 monthly or 18 monthly, If you want I can send you some information, the orthodontic treatment is over HK$ 35000.00 to 50000.00 , is not cheap. ** But don't go to the dentist, they're not spacialist,you need find a orthodontic dotor. I think will need two years or more.
2007-09-11 8:03 am

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