✔ 最佳答案
倫敦 -> 有好多景點係必去既, 例如big ben, tower bridge, tower of london, st. paul cathedral, china town, picadilly circus, harrods 等等, 有時間仲可以睇返套musical, 感受下都好, 我覺得phantom of the opera係一個唔錯既choice, 因為個story比較耳熟能詳, other than that 都仲有好多choice.
paris -> 太多景點了~ eiffel tower, disney, 羅浮宮, 梵爾賽宮, 協和廣場, shopping既地方..etc. depends on 你想慢慢睇d museums or 想 choose 一d出名既去下~ only 羅浮宮都可以行一日~~
至於 switzerland or italy, 要睇下你點去, train or plane?? 係paris去既話, by train 都好幾個hours.
switzerland就睇d 如絲如畫既風景多d, 如果想上雪山就must go~ mt titlis ( 係luzern有車去) 都ok架~又平過少女峰~~ bern 就有 bear睇~ d 火車風景線都好睇架好似~~~有好多choice~~ 有芝士火煱食, 不過地道個d比較重wine味, 我就唔係好like 食呀~
italy呢就多姿多彩d, 想買gucci 就must go there lah. milan 就唔可以錯過, 本人認為rome都好值得去, 如果天氣好, venice同florence, pisa 呢d city都好多野睇. 有art呀, d architecture呀..etc. ice-cream真係好平好好食 , must try if u go!!~~~~ 仲有好多唔同類型既pastries~~~ 都好好食架~~
兩個countries都幾值得去, 要睇返你既interest. 我自己就like italy多d, 好似多d野睇~~switzerland就平靜d~~~ =]
希望俾到d idea你啦~~~