A Question

2007-09-11 2:45 am
1. A soccer player is kicking a penalty in front of a row of players. The path of the ball is a curve instead of a straight path to avoid hitting the row of players.
(a) Compare the distance travelled along the curved path and along the straight path.
(b) Compare the displacements of the two points.

ps means what????


a) the explanation is not too good! But I have to say "Thank you" to you.

回答 (1)

2007-09-11 3:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) The curved path distance is longer than the distance of straight line because the curved line travel longer distance from the place of soccer player to the net.
B) the displacementis the same because the starting point to te end point distance is the same. Displacement is the SHORTEST DISTANCE between the starting point to the end point.

ps distance is larger or equal to the displacement if the object travel along a straight line. If not, distance always larger than the displacement.
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