
2007-09-11 2:14 am

回答 (2)

2007-09-11 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
我以前同你一樣留過班, 讀書冇進步. 後來嚟咗加拿大讀書, 大學都畢咗業好耐喇, 我發覺我原來唔係讀書差成咁, 只不過香港啲教育制度唔惦啫.
你只需要坦白同屋企商量吓, 你話好想出外國讀書, 見吓外面世界, 你答應佢地你會比心機, 一定學成返嚟. 如果屋企係供得起, 而你又比到佢地信心, 屋企多數都會支持你.
1 經濟方面好大負擔, 唔係個個家庭都可以應付
2唔想你離開佢地, 有好多父母唔捨得啲兒女離開佢地
3父母需要你响佢地身邊, 可能年紀太大, 驚你離開之後佢地生活可能有問題
如果你真係想出外讀書, 坦白同屋企傾吓, 一家人冇嘢唔可以傾. 祝你好運!
參考: 加國人仕
2007-09-11 2:38 am
I haven't been to foreign countries studied yet.
But i can give you this fantastic suggestion:
Is it so difficult to tell your mother this little
matter? Just explain to her the following:
-HK's education is training your right
brain & you tell her you are not good
at analyzing data. And you want to
broaden your horizon, that's all...(if you
have enough money...)
參考: My own comment

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