2007-09-11 2:00 am
2.HOW TO MAKE APPLE PIE,WHERE can i pick apple?
3. how to mak addy (金邊),或where can buy?
4. buying house 係唔係members only?how much?
5.skill cape 係唔係 member 才可戴?

回答 (3)

2007-09-12 1:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Wine of zamarok is used to make ranging potions.

2. To make an apple pie, you need a pastry dough, a pie dish and a cooking apple.
To get a pastry dough, simply mix a jug / bucket of water with a pot of flour and choose
the option: make pastry dough

To get a pie dish, get it from the table in the drawven mine pickaxe stall, or make it by using soft clay on a potter's wheel and make an unfired pie dish, then use the unfired pie dish on a potter's oven to make a pie dish.

To get a cooking apple, simply buy it from the food shop in port sarim or get it from the cooking guild.

3. you can't make addy ( g ). It's from member's treasure trails. You can buy it from members in world 1. Simply go to varrock west bank and walk north from it. You'll see many people buying / selling something like that.

4. Buying a house is members only. You need 1000 gp to get a basic house in rimmington. To change the location of your house, You need a certain construction lvl and some money. To get your house relocated in rimmington, you need 5000 gp. To get your house relocated in taverly, you need construction lvl of 10 and 5000 gp. To get your house relocated in Pollniveach, you need construction lvl of 20 and 7500 gp. To get your house relocated in Rellekka, you need construction lvl of 30 and 10000 gp. To get your house relocated in Brimhaven, you need construction lvl of 40 and 15000 gp. To get your house relocated in Yanille, you need construction lvl of 50 and 25000 gp.

5. Skill cape is only available for members who's a skill is lvl 99.
參考: me, runescape help.
2007-09-17 4:15 am
addy 金邊係連member 都整唔倒嫁,如果有人話幫你整,唔好理佢

2007-09-13 3:07 am

Wine of Zamorak is a kind of wine, and it is a Gods wine (Zamorak, Unholy God, Color is red.)Anyone can take it...But only members can use it with some potions to make a better and stronger potion. Dont fall into a kind of trick, like some people type "Take your best armor and stuff to win 100K" or more money. They want you to pray at thr Altar and then take the Wine of Zamorak. You will get attacked by the Monks! They will close the door if you want to get out. I have tryed, with full rune, but didnt die...I asked for the money and he logged off.....Dont EVER try!

2, HOW TO MAKE APPLE PIE,WHERE can i pick apple?

Accually, you need to get COOKING APPLE to make a APPLE PIE. You get get a Cooking Apple at the Cooking Guild, but you need high Cooking level and need to wear a Chef's Hat to go in. Here are the steps...

1, Get a Cooking Apple, Bucket of Water, Pot of Flour, and Pie Dish.

2, Use Bucket of Water with Pot of Flour, and make Pastry Dough.

3, Use Pastry Dough with Pie Dish.

4, Use Cooking Apple with Pie Dish (Changed a name if you put pastry Dough in it, Pie Shell I think...)

5, You will get a Uncooked Apple Pie. Use it with a Range, if Succesed, you have a Apple Pie!

3, how to mak addy (金邊),或where can buy?

Addy with "金邊" is Addy (g), which is accually called Adam (g).to get it you must be a Member, and go on Treasure Trails. It is Hard!! You can buy, too, at Varrock West Bank, which is the bigger one. It is worth (The whole set) 275K~425K.

4, buying house 係唔係members only?how much?

Buying Houses 係members only! You need to use alot of money to get one. It will cost the amount of Rooms you want to make! I do not know how many you want!

5, skill cape 係唔係 member 才可戴?

係 member 才可戴! A Skill cape needs to have a Level 99 Any skill to get it! It is in Member Areas, so you must be a Member to get it.

Hope you like my answer! My Acc is noname00001, add me!

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