請教ebay拍賣技巧 (希望ebay powerseller 回答)

2007-09-11 1:31 am
我在ebay開了store(不是ebay香港, 而是ebay美國), 希望做外國人生意, 我其實已有貨源, 我見到很多ebay的seller短時間內已有不少的feedback, ebay 有兩種list product的途徑, 一種是store inventory, 一種是online auction, online auction那種比較貴,我想請敎ebay的powerseller, 是否一定要list很多online auction才可容易賣得出product呢? 你們有否用ebay的收費廣告呢? 因為收費廣告都幾貴, 例如feature item (優先排列), 成百幾元一個item, 你們覺得值得嗎?
以下是我的store, 希望有經驗的你們幫我看一看我有甚麼可以改善的, 你們通常會list多少product呢? 每個月在ebay拍賣費用幾多呢? 每個月純利有幾多呢?
希望ebay powerseller能夠和我分享經驗, 可以的話可否留email or msn?, 謝絕廣告

回答 (2)

2007-09-15 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, 不一定要list很多 ...我經驗試過一個月list 60-70 listings, 全部sold out ...
net profit/day,有大約hkd3000


我見到你feedback 低 ..出貨selling price (bid+shipping)仲低 

如果你聽之前位仁兄講,詷低個shipping ..你一定會一殼眼淚..
唔信的話, 你試兩個星期試下
參考: myself
2007-09-13 7:59 pm

It is a bad strategy selling a merchandise at $3 but charge $24 postage. Many Hong Kong sellers like to do it when starting, many of them have come and gone within a year.

People will know sooner or later that you overchage on postage. They will not come back any more, let alone that they have the rights to report you on eBay.

To make a decent and long-standing business on eBay, you need to build a large base of return customers. To other long living powersellers I know who sell on eBay for years, return customers contribute over 50% of their monthly sales.

Answers to your specific questions:

1. 是否一定要list很多online auction才可容易賣得出product呢?

Yes when your account is new. You can shift your listing from auction to store when you feel a significant portion, say 10-30%, of business come from return customers.

2. 收費廣告呢?

Those features are meant for high value merchandises, such as camera, luxury watch, jewellry, car or house..... Your $3-$30 a piece garment surely can't afford the fee.

3. 你們通常會list多少product呢?

More the better.

4. 每個月在ebay拍賣費用幾多呢?

Spare about 10-12% of your total sales as expenses on eBay and Paypal. Later you will know the expenses are more than just the listing fee, final value, and commissions

Also spare about 5-10% a month as your damage provision, over lost shipments and fraud payments.

5. 每個月純利有幾多呢?

If you are taking a price-driven strategy like what you are doing now, I guess you can't earn more than 20% net over a very small monthly sales.

As far as I see many competent Asian sellers are making 50% net profit, +/- 20%; much depend on your type of inventory, control of fixed overheads, and efficiency of your logistic process.

Good luck

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