wat's the meaning of "in its place" (example b

2007-09-11 12:03 am
wat's the meaning of "in its place" (example below)

In the mid-1980s, the federal government attempted to introduce an "Australia Card". Due to overwhelming(勢不可擋) resistance from the public, this proposal was dropped. In its place, the pre-existing Tax File Number (TFN) system was updated.

thz everyone!!

回答 (2)

2007-09-11 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
In this case, "In its place" has a meaning like "in substitution".
參考: mememe
2007-09-11 12:20 am
這裡的in its place, 是連用語 "取而代之......", 的意思
1980年代中期, 政府試圖推出"澳大利亞公民識別卡"機制, 可是受到公眾強烈反對, 因此計劃被逼擱置, 取而代之的, 是為原有的"稅務檔案號碼系統"進行了更新.

2007-09-10 16:25:30 補充:
講得清楚一些, 就是: xxxx沒有了, 取代它的是xxx但不看例句, 單看 in its place 三個字, 更常見是"各歸其位"的意思, 例如: everything is in its place= 所有物件都放得妥當

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