美國LA轉飛Las Vegas, 入境過關係咪要等好耐?? 急!!

2007-09-10 8:48 pm
我同老公十月會去Las Vegas, 香港飛搭Cathy, 晌LA轉內陸機. 請問LA入境過海關係咪要等好耐架? 聽人講好嚴, 要打晒10隻手指模, 係咪真有其事? 因為我地想上網訂埋transit嗰程機, 但係唔知點預時間. CX班機應該早上11點幾到LA, 有一程內陸機晌3點機, 一班4點9左右, 係咪4點嗰班穩陣啲?? 請解答啦!! THANKS!!!

回答 (3)

2007-09-11 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
LAX airport is bad. I hate that airport. You know few weeks ago i also back to LAX from HKG on Cathay Pacific, you know during that time, there is a flight operated by Asiana Airlines from Seoul, once i get off from the aircraft, all the people ran to the customs, becasue there are 2 aircrafts arrive there in the same time, so there are more people have to go there. When i back to there, i traveled with my Dad. Once we wait at the customs, toms of people waiting! Because you are a visitor, so have to wait for more time. At first i waited for 1 hours, but still not our turn, in front of us there were still like 20-25 people waiting, but luckily there was a guy asking us are you ( me and dad) travel together, than we say yes, so he allows us to go to short cut, just take me 5 mins to go thorugh custom. I think those travelers with infants or young kids will have "treat" . But you guys have to wait a long time, at least 1 hour. Your flight CX 884 is probably arrive around 11:30, so after custom around 12:30.

Now even you spent 2 hours in custom( for instance, if custom takes you 2 hours, after that will be 1:30 pm, but you said that there is a flight departs around 3 or later than 3), IT IS STILL enough time for you to transfer , because 2 hours to transfer a flight is enough. You can save the time in waiting the luggage because when you are wating in customs, the luggage are coming out.

So once you pick up your luggage, go to the another terminal. You can just walk to there. There is Delta, AA, UA, and other airlines go to Las Vegas.

Once you arrive other terminal, just take a short time to check in because they all using self -check in kiosk, save more time.
After you chekc in, you have to go to somewhere next to the boarding pass checking area,there is a big machiene , you have to drop your luggage rite there, than proceed to gate.

Finger Prints, based on what passport you have, i am fortunately i am holding a Canadian Passport sometimes they dont require me to put fingers. However even they ask you to put fingers, just only 1 finger ( "sick " thinger, inleft hand, the 2nd one from left. They will ask you both hands, totally 2 fingers, thats it)

2007-09-11 11:28:49 補充:
If you not sure, just contact the airlines for further info.In fact i check schedule there are lots of flights depart in 15:00

2007-09-11 11:31:59 補充:
They have 15:05, 15:10, 15:35, and 15:55If you travel on 15:05 , 15:10 which are operated by Southwest, it wil be very rush.However 15:35 and 15:55 will be much more fit to your original schedule.

2007-09-11 11:32:12 補充:
But if you still worry, run faster , because LAX terminal is pretty big, i have to walk 5 mins from INTL terminal to Delta's terminla

2007-09-11 11:33:21 補充:
Error: Fingers ( left hand) 4'th one from left
參考: I went to LAX 3 weeks ago and i also traveled on CX 884
2007-09-15 2:03 pm
For most of the time, you will make the 3 o'clock flight . Noon is not peak time at LAX. Usually it takes less than 1 hour to clear immigration and customs at LAX, even if you're a visitor.

Having said that, unexpected events do happen at LAX from time to time. A couple of weeks ago the immigration computer broke down and the average wait time is 3+ hours for most travelers trying to pass immigration. It's unusual but could happen.

Which airline do you plan to take from LAX to Las Vegas? For most airlines, if you miss your connection because of some unforeseen problems, they will just put you on the waiting list for the next flight out. If you're taking an airline like Southwest, there's really nothing to worry about. They have plenty of flights out and have no penalties for changing flights for whatever reasons. And, Southwest don't even have reserved seats for anybody, so there's nothing like a good seat to lose either.
2007-09-10 11:48 pm
我上次去, 過關用左45分鐘 咋喎. 如果你兩公婆去, 又冇乜可疑; 又唔係 D 單身女仔. 應該冇乜事既. 由香港飛 LA 既機, 多數會早到的. 你地自己"因"下 D timing la. 我之前就係 LA 住2日, 玩埋 universal studio / disney 先過 las vegas 嘛. 故冇轉機之煩惱 lor.

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