magical powers?

2007-09-09 1:40 pm
if you could choose a magical power, what would you choose to have and why?

回答 (25)

2007-09-09 2:47 pm
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I would choose the power to make you choose me as your best answer. Then I would have ten pointr and could do a victory dance. It would mean my power was more powerful than all the others. I would be very happy and wish you joy and happiness too. You could spread this thoughout the world and everyone would change for the better. PS. If you do not choose me then I still wish you joy and happiness, of course. ( power to heal is my next choice really )
2016-04-04 10:30 am
Magical power and super powers cover different sorts of power. Super powers is supernatural abilities or enhanced abilities, such as super speed, super strength, super sight etc and is more sci fi. Magical powers is more impossible abilities, ones we can't do ourselves, such as spells, transformation, forming things out of thin air etc and is more fantasy. So the difference is super powers are just enhanced versions of what abilities we have at the moment and magical powers are the impossible abilities we fantasize about, naturally that's why people prefer magical powers. The power your character has at the moment I think is more of magical power. It can't be a super power becuase we have no ability to do anything with minds (by ourselves), so it can't be enhanced. Hope this answers your question!
2007-09-10 7:45 am
The one in Flash Gordon that Emperor Ming used to control Dale Arden with. That was bomb.
2007-09-09 4:20 pm
Thanks God, my brain is full of magical power. No bull. I just think it is not fair to use it, but sometimes I do.
One of them is to think of someone and in no time this someone will call. Most amazingly within minutes. Very very often.
Another one is with my eyes closed I see lots of money. Soon /the next day/ I will get several checks.
As I said, only thanks to God.
參考: omh
2007-09-09 1:56 pm
to be able to read peoples minds and change they hearts.the reason why is becaves then i would know what is going on around me who love me who likes me who hates me and i would pass all my exams becaves i would be able to read the brightest students minds and know the answers ,they hearts i would caves all the woman in the world to love me i would have all the men in the world to do my biding come on i would change the caves of history i would make my self a god i would run for election be cames the next prime mister of my country i would change law and pass laws i would change the world i would make one world religion one world currency and i would make my self reluer of all the world i would heal the sick anysickness,just think people would call me god they god i would have the most prettes woman around me to sleep with everynight i would have children in everyrace and my name would live forever loger than hitler longer than khan longer than adam and eve, and the world would would be able to trace my generation long after i have lift .so give me what i ask for my goddess
2007-09-09 1:55 pm
I like the stretchy thing Mr Fantastic does because I'm lazy, I could lye down and just stretch my arm into the fridge and get something to eat.
2007-09-09 1:54 pm
I would choose the power to turn down the extra dessert that has gotten me so fat in the first place.
2007-09-09 2:36 pm
I'll choose if I can read people's minds and thoughts , or touch any human one touch to make him the most peaceful so we can end world's wars
2007-09-09 2:13 pm
I wish i had the powers of teleportation like dimension door from D&D
2007-09-09 2:09 pm
First I thought I'd like to read peoples mind but--You would really know how many folks hate you. Then I thought to be invisible--whoop might hear something I don't like. So I guess I would just like to fly around and be able to see all my loved ones when ever I wanted. This was a really neat question.

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