
2007-09-10 7:37 am
Jen 是一個插班生,Harry 他很喜歡捉弄人,在一個下午的小息,Harry 捉弄Jen說,放學了,回家吧!Jen信以為真。在回家的路上,Jen 突然想起還有功課沒請教老師,與是又回學校。回到課室,他發現同學們都在上課,老師問他為甚嬤遲到,他就將事情的來龍去脈說給老師聽,又說我已原諒了他,你不要罰他。從此以後,他們成了好朋友。

回答 (2)

2007-09-10 12:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Translation according to my knowledge (意譯):
Jen has attended (加入) our class during this semester (學期).
Harry is fond of (喜愛) playing tricks (捉弄) on others.
One day at noon in the recess (小息), Harry decided to make fun (戲弄) with Jen. Harry said, " The class has ended. Let ' s go home! "
Jen believed what Harry said.
On his way home, Jen suddenly realized (醒覺) that he forgot to ask the teacher of his homework.
Hence (於是/因此), he returned to school.
When Jen got back to the classroom, he found out that all the classmates were having their lessons.
The teacher asked Jen why he was late to school.
Jen then explained (解釋) the whole case to the teacher.
" I have already forgiven him. Please do not punish him. " He further (加以) remarked (說明/談論).
After that, Jen and Harry become good friends.

2007-09-10 12:22:32 補充:
To 樓下《Enter》君:Online dictionary 翻查生字或片語的確是好幫手,不過,若用翻譯機把整篇文章直譯的話,所有的文法(grammar)和時態(tense)便會蕩然無存,文筆亦蹩腳,文理也無法通達矣。Hence, if u are so keen on rendering for any further occasion, pls use your brain instead of pressing the switch of any translation machine.
2007-09-10 3:08 pm
Jen 是一個插班生,Harry 他很喜歡捉弄人,在一個下午的小息,Harry 捉弄Jen說,放學了,回家吧!Jen信以為真。在回家的路上,Jen 突然想起還有功課沒請教老師,與是又回學校。回到課室,他發現同學們都在上課,老師問他為甚嬤遲到,他就將事情的來龍去脈說給老師聽,又說我已原諒了他,你不要罰他。從此以後,他們成了好朋友。


The Jen is 1 to enter new student to get, Harry he likes to play joke on a person very much, resting a little in an afternoon, the Harry plays joke on Jen to say, releasing from school, going home!The Jen letter thinks really.On the way home, the Jen remind of and still had a great achievement lesson and don't consult a teacher suddenly, with is return to school again.Return to lesson room, he finds the classmates are all having a class, the teacher asks him for very the Ma arrive late, he says the sequence of events of thing to the teacher to listen to, and then says I have already forgiven him, you don't want to punish him.From now on, they became a good friend.


廿一世紀的翻譯社 - 譯言堂



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