"咁又關我咩事呢..?" 英文口語應點講

2007-09-10 7:02 am
"咁又關我咩事呢..?" 英文口語應點講

回答 (7)

2007-09-10 7:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. It's none of my business

2. It has nothing to do with me

3. and how's that got anything to do with me?


2007-09-09 23:37:11 補充:
想補一補..寶寶既講法"excuse me, it's none of my business?"如果後面加左個"?"既話其實個意思已經變左"excuse me, it's none of my business."唔好意思,唔關我事"excuse me, it's none of my business?"唔好意思,呢件事唔關我事咩? <--就會好似係反問點解唔關我事
參考: 自己
2007-09-10 7:44 am
What kind of business to involve in me?
Why involving with me?
(何解要牽涉到我?) 乾脆、簡要一點的說法。另, involve 後面可跟 in 或 with。
How come this is my concern?
So what? Why it is my business?
(咁又點啫? 點解關我事噃?!) 「寸」和囂張一點的表現手法。

2007-09-10 20:09:45 補充:
在英語的口語上(oral conversation),筆觸和文法何需過於執着、挑剔呢?正如用中文說白話時,會有人用獨特的字彙來表述,如「關你屁事咩?」或「關我差事咩?」,難道我們要再討論「屁」和「差」當中的玄機乎?

2007-09-11 17:30:55 補充:
謝謝樓下《tc》君的指教!經過查證,的確是本人的錯誤,抱歉甚!按Dr. Eye的範例,方法應該是:involve 人物 in/with 事件 (即《tc》君所言, involve之後直接跟人物)

2007-09-11 17:30:56 補充:
謝謝樓下《tc》君的指教!經過查證,的確是本人的錯誤,抱歉甚!按Dr. Eye的範例,方法應該是:involve 人物 in/with 事件 (即《tc》君所言, involve之後直接跟人物)

2007-09-11 17:32:07 補充:
involve (vt.)1. 使捲入,連累;牽涉[( in/with)]That's no concern of mine. I'm not involved.那與我無關,我未捲入。Don't involve me in your quarrel!不要把我牽扯進你們的爭吵中!Dr. Eye: http://www.dreye.com/tw/index.php
參考: 視乎「寸」的程度和語氣上的區別,可以挑一個最合乎心意的。
2007-09-10 7:15 am
Excuse me, it's none of my business?

[唔好意思, 關我咩事?]. 寸係寸, 但係仲要扮得好似好有禮貌咁!
2007-09-10 7:05 am
It's none of my business.
2007-09-10 7:04 am
none of my business
參考: myself
2007-09-10 7:46 pm
「How does it matter to me?」

「Why is it my business?」(註:不是 why it is my business)

這兩句都是很常用,不會令人覺得太 formal 或饒口。

What kind of business to involve in me?
Why involving with me?
How come this is my concern?
都是不常用(至少在 Google 尋找不到),或文法有問題。

2007-09-11 10:07:45 補充:
當然,絕對同意口語不需要跟足正式的文法,但至少都要合乎基本用法,否則便無法溝通。例如:involve 在這裏的用法是不需要 preposition。所以可以說 why does it involve me? 或口語可以簡化成 why involve me? 但 why involving with me 多了個 with ,無論是正式文法或口語都是錯的!
2007-09-10 7:32 pm
What does this have to do with me?

Like I care? 字面解:「我一定關心啦!」嘅諷刺版。語气有啲似「關我屁事」但好啲啲。 Or
You think I care about this.

I don't care.
I could/couldn't care less.
I don't give a darn.
None of my business.
I don't wanna know.
Talk to the hand. 手板向住佢喎。意思系唔得閒聽,敷衍咁叫佢同隻手講。

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