
2007-09-10 6:01 am

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2007-09-10 10:15 am
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古埃及文明的產生和發展同尼羅河密不可分,如古希臘歷史學家希羅多德所言:「埃及是尼羅河的贈禮。」 古埃及時,尼羅河幾乎每年都泛濫,淹沒農田,但同時也使被淹沒的土地成為肥沃的耕地。尼羅河還為古埃及人提供了交通的便利,使人們比較容易的來往於河畔的各個城市之間。古埃及文明之所以可以綿延數千年而不間斷,另一個重要的原因是其相對與外部世界隔絕的地理環境,古埃及北面和東面分別是地中海和紅海,而西面則是沙漠,南面是一系列大瀑布,只有東北部有一個通道通過西奈半島通往西亞。這樣的地理位置,使外族不容易進入埃及,從而保證了古埃及文明的延續。相比較起來,周圍相對開放的同時代的兩河流域文明則經常被不同民族所主宰。

Ancient Egypt was a long-standing civilization in northeastern Africa. It was concentrated along the middle to lower reaches of the Nile River, reaching its greatest extent in the second millennium BC, during the New Kingdom. It reached from the Nile Delta in the north, as far south as Jebel Barkal at the Fourth Cataract of the Nile. Extensions to the geographic range of ancient Egyptian civilization included, at different times, areas of the southern Levant, the Eastern Desert and the Red Sea coastline, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Western body .

Ancient Egypt developed over three and a half millennia. It began with the incipient unification of Nile Valley polities around 3150 BC, and is conventionally thought to have ended in 31 BC when the early Roman Empire conquered and absorbed Ptolemaic Egypt as a state. This last event did not represent the first period of foreign domination; the Roman period was, however, to witness a marked, if gradual transformation in the political and religious life of the Nile Valley, effectively marking the end of independent civilizational development.

The civilization of ancient Egypt was based on balanced control of natural and human resources, characterised primarily by controlled irrigation of the fertile Nile Valley; the mineral exploitation of the valley and surrounding desert regions; the early development of an independent writing system and literature; the organization of collective projects; trade with surrounding regions in east / central Africa and the eastern Mediterranean; and finally, military ventures that exhibited strong characteristics of imperial hegemony and territorial domination of neighbouring cultures at different periods. Motivating and organising these activities were a socio-political and economic elite that achieved social consensus by means of an elaborate system of religious belief under the figure of a semi-divine ruler (usually male) from a succession of ruling dynasties, and related to the larger world by means of polytheistic beliefs.
參考: 維京

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