
2007-09-10 4:45 am
我想請問一下D40是不是不能用Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D鏡頭?

回答 (3)

2007-09-10 10:11 am
✔ 最佳答案

D40只有用Nikon自己AF-S的鏡頭﹐或副廠Sigma有HSM的鏡頭先可以有自動對焦。如果係Nikon AF鏡頭﹐係冇自動對焦的。

如果你想係D40上面用大光圈定焦﹐焦距同光圈比較接近的係Sigma 30mm f/1.4﹐貴少少﹐大約$2900。都係一個好選擇。
參考: 我以前都係用D40架! :)
2007-09-11 6:02 am
i think 可以的...不過可能要+d野 用唔到1.8 有d功能都唔係用得曬=] 下次buy果時... 問清楚先la...對自己有好處...(唔洗曬$)~~~本人用開c記 小用n記 不過講真 c記好用好多
參考: 打比我la=] 我會 help你
2007-09-10 5:02 am
You have to get the EOS reverse mount adapter from Novoflex. It is about US$230 for a new one. Used one in Ebay is about US$185

2007-09-09 21:07:54 補充:
First answer:I would like to know how can you even mount the lens without the adapter? There is a few mm difference in the lens ring! It is correct that you'll lose certain functions such as metering for aperture priority mode

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