mathematical induction

2007-09-10 1:59 am
prove by mathematical induction that (n+1)square+(n+2)square+...+(2n)square=(1/6)n(2n+1)(7n+1) for all natural numbers n.

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2007-09-10 2:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
prove the following statements by mathematical induction,where n is a natural number.

(n+1)2+(n+2)2+(n+3)2+...+(2n)2 = [n(2n+1)(7n+1)] / 6
當 n = 1
LHS = (1 + 1)2 = 4
RHS = [n(2n+1)(7n+1)] / 6
= [1(2(1)+1)(7(1)+1)] / 6
= [1(3)(8)] / 6
= 4
設 n = k 時成立,

(k+1)2+(k+2)2+(k+3)2+...+(2k)2 = [k(2k+1)(7k+1)] / 6
當n=k + 1
LHS = ((k+1)+1)2+((k+1)+2)2+((k+1)+3)2+...+(2(k+1))2
= (k+2)2 + (k+3)2 + (k+4)2 + …. (2k)2 + (2k+1)2 + (2k+2)2
= (k+1)2 + (k+2)2 + (k+3)2 + (k+4)2 + …. (2k)2 + (2k+1)2 + (2k+2)2 – (k+1)2
= [k(2k+1)(7k+1)] / 6 + (2k+1)2 + (2k+2)2 – (k+1)2
= [k(2k+1)(7k+1)] / 6 + 6(2k+1)2/6 + 3(k+1)2
= (2k+1)[k(7k+1) + 6(2k+1)]/6 + 3(k+1)2
= (2k+1)[7k2+k + 12k+6)]/6 + 3(k+1)2
= (2k+1)[7k2+13k+6)]/6 + 3(k+1)2
= (2k+1)(7k+6)(k+1)/6 + 18(k+1)2/6
= (2k+1)(7k+6)(k+1)/6 + 18(k+1)2/6
= (k+1)[(2k+1)(7k+6) + 18(k+1)]/6
= (k+1)[14k2+19k+6 + 18k+18)]/6
= (k+1)[14k2+37k+24]/6
= (k+1)(2k+3)(7k+8)/6
= (k+1)[2(k+1)+1][7(k+1)+1]/6
所以當 n 為任何值時這式都成立。

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