
2007-09-09 11:19 pm

回答 (4)

2007-09-09 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案

I delivered a nightmare tonight, I had on the first and father the mother travel, we travel by ship, suddenly, the ship poured,
But I still on a ship, I shout loudly a father mother, all the nobody recognize me, I float to an everyone not to recognize so
Island of knowing, I thought to be on thinking, calculate me call 10,000 father's mothers also useless, because of my Si and father mother
Scatter, suddenly, I hear the voice of Weng Weng, have a huge bee originally by the side of my body, I am very frightened
, Is it making track for so I run very soon then?I, always I am also not enough it runs so fast, so I stop then
Come down, but when I prepare to bite to it, I feel someone be calling I, originally I am delivering a nightmare, is really
Frighten to fear me!!
參考: me
2007-09-09 11:37 pm
I have sent a nightmare tonight, one day, i travel with father and mother, we take a ferry, suddenly, the ship collapse, but I still on the ship, I yell, but nobody reply me, then i wave to and fro to a island that's nobody know it. I think that even if I am being called father and mother for 10 thousand times, it will not work, because we are separate. Suddenly, I hear some voice, it is humming, indeed, there has a giant honeybee in my side, I am very scared. So run quickly, but the bee still chase me, i do not run such quickly as him, therefore I stop running, whenthe bee is going to bit me, I felt someone called me, in fact, i was dreaming, but it really frightens me!!
參考: i hope it can help u!!
2007-09-09 11:33 pm
Last night I had a nightmare about going on a vacation with my parents. We were on a boat, and the boat suddenly sunk. I was the only one left on the boat. I tried yelling for my parents, but there was no response. Soon after, I floated to a deserted island.
It finally came to my senses that no matter how many more times I called for my parents, it would be useless because we have already been separated.
Suddenly, I heard this buzzing sound by my ear. I learned that a bee was right next to me. I was so afraid I began running, but the bee was following after me. I realized the bee would sooner or later catch up to me, so I decided to stop running.
When the bee was about to sting me, I heard someone calling my name. I woke up to find myself having a nightmare. It had scared me to death!
2007-09-09 11:20 pm
Tonight I have sent a nightmare, I have one Japan and father and mother travel, we take a passage, suddenly, ship but actually, but I also on the ship, I yell father and mother, nobody recognizes me, I like this flutters the island which did not know to an everybody, I think, even if I am being called 10,000 time father and mother to be also useless, because my sixth branch and father and mother have been separate, suddenly, I hear humming sound the sound, originally has a giant honeybee in my one's side, I am afraid very much, therefore I then very quickly run, it is pursuing me, throughout I夠 it does not run such quickly, therefore I then stop down, but when I prepare nips to it, I felt that some people are being called me, originally I am sending the nightmare, really frightens fears me!!

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