
2007-09-09 11:04 pm

A wife saw her husband weight himself on the scale trying to pull in the stomach. The weight thought he is trying to reduce his weight on the scale. So she said.

"You know. I don't think that will help you anything"

The husband replies "Of course it helps. It is the only way I can see the number on the scale"

回答 (4)

2007-09-09 11:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
一個太太在刻度嘗試上看見她的丈夫重量他自己吸引胃。 重量認為他正在嘗試減輕在刻度方面的他的重量。 因此她說。

”你知道。 我不認為那將幫助你任何事”

丈夫答覆”當然,它幫助。 它是我能在刻度上見到數字的唯一的方法”
2007-09-09 11:51 pm
A wife saw her husband weight himself on the scale trying to pull in the stomach. The weight thought he is trying to reduce his weight on the scale. So she said.

"You know. I don't think that will help you anything"

The husband replies "Of course it helps. It is the only way I can see the number on the scale"
一個太太在刻度嘗試上看見她的丈夫重量他自己吸引胃。 重量認為他正在嘗試減輕在刻度方面的他的重量。 因此她說。

”你知道。 我不認為那將幫助你任何事”

丈夫答覆”當然,它幫助。 它是我能在刻度上見到數字的唯一的方法
參考: me
2007-09-09 11:24 pm
太太看見丈夫收腹磅重. 想他以為這樣可以減磅. 便對他說:[這樣是幫不到什麼的]
參考: myself
2007-09-09 11:14 pm
參考: 老公

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