
2007-09-09 7:38 pm
aumlet of magic,aumlet of defence.............是否要member先做得?

回答 (4)

2007-09-11 2:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
amulet of magic, amulet of defence, amulet of strength同amulet of power係非會員物品, 唔洗係member都做得; 會員物品如amulet of Nature, amulet of glory同amulet of fury就要係member先做得…

整amulet of magic, amulet of defence, amulet of strength同amulet of power既資料如下:

整sapphire amulet 要有crafting lvl 24
整emerald amulet 要有crafting lvl 31
整ruby amulet 要有crafting lvl 50
整diamond amulet 要有crafting lvl 70

(1) cut 左既sapphire / emerald / ruby / diamond (自己cut 分別要有crafting lvl 20 / 27 / 34 / 43)
(2) gold bar (將gold ore smelt 為gold bar要求smithing lvl 40, 向人買就一般要200~400ea)
(3) ball of wool

amulet mould (可在Al Kharid 或者Rimmington既craft store 買)

帶齊材料同工具去furnace 之後, use “gold bar” to “furnace” 咁你就可以在畫面選擇想整既amulet (如果大量整可以right click 按 “make X” /”make 5” / “make 10”, 然後就use “ball of wool” to “amulet”

最後, 用:
(1) lvl 7 魔法 “Enchant level 1 jewellery” 將sapphire amulet enchant 整成amulet of mage (要用1個water rune + 1個cosmic rune)
(2) lvl 27 魔法 “Enchant level 2 jewellery” 將emerald amulet 整成amulet of defence (要用3個air rune + 1個cosmic rune)
(3) lvl 49 魔法 “Enchant level 3 jewellery” 將ruby amulet 整成amulet of strength (要用5個fire rune + 1個cosmic rune)
(4) lvl 57 魔法 “Enchant level 4 jewellery” 將diamond amulet 整成amulet of power (要用10個earth rune + 1個cosmic rune)
參考: 我全部都整到, 如有需要, 只要你提供材料, 我可以幫你做~
2007-09-11 1:48 am
aumlet of magic,aumlet of defencer唔係member先做得嫁!你做o左d ammy,跟住用magic ->to the ammy就ok

參考: me
2007-09-10 11:30 pm
NO!!!, u can buy or make it yourself of cutted sapphire aumlet and cutted emerald aumlet and use magic to upgrade it .
參考: me
2007-09-09 8:44 pm
no,u can by a green aumlet or a blue aumlet(i forgot the name)and use magic to upgrade it

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