A.math and math

2007-09-09 7:04 pm
should do both a.math and math supplementS?
If i do a.math supplement ,will my a.math studying result be better ?
if i do math supplement ,will my math studying result be better?

a F.4 student

回答 (2)

2007-09-09 9:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My teacher says both A.maths and maths require many practices. She says:
For A.maths,
if you do all the exercise in the book, you will get D or E in CE;
if you do all the exercise in the book and some supplement, you will get C;
if you do all the exercise in the book and as muchment as possible, you will get B or above, A...depends on your talent;
For maths, if you can manage A.maths, it's no problem...

2007-09-09 13:31:08 補充:
as much supplement as possible...
2007-09-09 7:24 pm
more practice will have better result

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