翻譯!! 急急

2007-09-09 6:41 pm

1 which areas do you taink you have performed well last year?

2which areas do you think you should get improvement this year?
3what are your goals this year?

4 what will you do to achieve your goals?
我會多聆聽﹑多閱讀﹑多寫作﹑﹑多說話 英文科的東西﹐遇到不明白的地方也多

choytinching : 錯?? 我以希望英文有進步﹐會考能合格的這個目標有什麼問題? 請你給我一個合理的解釋﹐讓我改一改我的錯誤﹐ 否則我今晚可能會檢舉你!!!

回答 (6)

2007-09-09 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 which areas do you taink you have performed well last year?


I think my maths ( you canchange it eg . chinese or english etc.) have performed well last year.

2which areas do you think you should get improvement this year?


I should get improvement in English this year
Becase in the last few years my English is worst!
And the others subject is quite well and also have to improve more.

3what are your goals this year?

I goals my Enlish speaking and the Grammer useing will have imprved
Also in the HKCEE will preform well and well result

4 what will you do to achieve your goals?

我會多聆聽﹑多閱讀﹑多寫作﹑﹑多說話 英文科的東西﹐遇到不明白的地方也多

I will listen to the others , do more extra exerices ,speak to the classmates or teacher in English, if I see some do not understand , i also will ask the other people

If you do not know some or what you can ask me !!
I am very welcome
Hope you will like my answer and can help you
參考: myself
2007-09-09 9:56 pm
1 which areas do you taink you have performed well last year?
I behaved better in counting discipline last year.

2which areas do you think you should get improvement this year?

My past English is poorer , so hope the English achievement of this year progresses to some extent , and other subjects
Space making very large progress too.

3what are your goals this year?
I hope my English progresses to some extent , the nationwide examination for graduation qualification can be qualified.

4 what will you do to achieve your goals?
我會多聆聽﹑多閱讀﹑多寫作﹑﹑多說話 英文科的東西﹐遇到不明白的地方也多
I will listen to more , read , many writing , , speak more English things of department more, can't meet the place to understand more more too
Ask to others.
參考: me
2007-09-09 7:53 pm
1 which areas do you taink you have performed well last year?
I behaved better in counting discipline last year.

2which areas do you think you should get improvement this year?
My past English is poorer , so hope that the English achievement of this year progresses to some extent , and other subjects
There is very big and progressive space too.
3what are your goals this year?
I hope that my English progresses to some extent , the nationwide examination for graduation qualification can be qualified.

4 what will you do to achieve your goals?
I will listen to things of the English department more , read , many writing more , , speak, can't meet the place to understand more more too
Ask to others.
2007-09-09 7:19 pm

錯: 我希望我的英文有所進步﹐會考能夠合格。
2007-09-09 7:16 pm
Q1.which areas do you taink you have performed well last year?

Ans1:My displayed last year in the mathematical sciences aspect quite well.

Q2.which areas do you think you should get improvement this year?

Ans2:My former English is quite bad ﹐ therefore I hope this year my English’s result has progresses ﹐alos other subjects.

Q3.what are your goals this year?

Ans3:I hoped my English has progresses ﹐ the area-wide student examination to be able qualified.

Q4. what will you do to achieve your goals?

Ans4:I can listen respectfully ﹑ the multi-reading ﹑ multi-writing ﹑ ﹑ multi-speech in English Department's thing ﹐ to meet not the clear place to be also many to ask a question to others.
2007-09-09 7:14 pm
1. I expressed in mathematics section last year better.

2.I former English is all worse, so hope the English result of this year has a progress, and other subjects also have very greatly progressive space.

3.I hope my English has a progress, meeting's testing can be qualified.

4.I will listen much, read much, write much, , talk the thing of English section more, the place which meets not to understand is also many
Ask question toward the other people.
參考: 自己.

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