我想問下點解latent heat可以用kinetic theory解釋?
1)係咪因為當a substance changes from solide to liquid的時候,partical becomes futher apart,而potential energy亦因而增加?
2)latent heat is the energy since it 不會導致溫度改變,係咪代表kinetic energy unchange?
3)我唔係好明白以下呢段文字的涵意,係關於latent heat同particle motion的,唔該解釋一下俾我聽__"Energy has to be supplied to oppose the attractive force among the particle. As a result,the potential energy of the particle increase."
4)如果我將0℃的水heat up至100℃,係呢個過程中potential energy會有改變嗎?