
2007-09-09 7:57 am
fill in the following blanks with the correct form of the words given:
1.I'd like to make a small _______[donate] in my mother's name.
2.This invention made a major _________[contribute] to road safety.
3.The prime minister succeeded in__________[survive] the challenge to his authority.
4.Raw spinach is especially __________[[ nutrition].
5.She was ____________[amazement] at how calm she felt after the accident.

回答 (2)

2007-09-09 8:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.I'd like to make a small __donation_____[donate] in my mother's name.
2.This invention made a major __contribution_______[contribute] to road safety.
3.The prime minister succeeded in_surviving___[survive] the challenge to his authority.
4.Raw spinach is especially _nutritious___[[ nutrition].
5.She was __amazed____[amazement] at how calm she felt after the accident.
2007-09-09 8:09 am
1.I'd like to make a small __donation_____[donate] in my mother's name.
2.This invention made a major ____contribuation_____[contribute] to road safety.
3.The prime minister succeeded in___survived_______[survive] the challenge to his authority.
4.Raw spinach is especially _____nutritious_____[[ nutrition].
5.She was ___amazed_________[amazement] at how calm she felt after the accident.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:23:48
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