關於台灣版地圖袋Sob Deall

2007-09-09 7:28 am
我想問台灣版地圖袋Sob Deall係咪假野...我今日buy左先知原來唔同alviero martini
同埋多唔多人用台灣版~?因為我上台灣d website都好似好多人用咁

回答 (2)

2007-09-11 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
sob deall is real but not ORIGINAL....
this brand is from taiwan of coz there are many ppl use it there....
Alviero MArtini is from ITALY....and ORIGINAL....
is your choice to choose ORIGINAL or 2nd version??
參考: me
2007-09-10 12:28 am
都 ok 多 人 用 .
係 real 既 .
只 係 5 同 牌 子 .
雖 然 同 alviero martini 好 似 .
但 2 個 係 5 同 品 牌 .

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