幫我check gramma ,thanks

2007-09-09 6:10 am
This book main charater is Scrapman. He is a mechanical man , made by Winston. However, Winston think he silly and made a new invention before along.Then he put Scapman to the scrap-yard . He don't care and ignored Scrapam. Scrapam felt lonely when he alone in the scrap-yard. One day, he found a lot of waste material. He made his own invention, a Scrap-cat. Scrap-cat gave him happines.After that,Winston knew Scrapman was clever.Finally, they wre vey happiness.


回答 (5)

2007-09-09 5:04 pm
The main character(算錯字) of this book is Scrapman (你本來的句子是:這本書主要角色是Scrapman, 沒有'的'.) He was(用past tense) a robot(=mechanical man), invented(invented比made更好, 因為invent是發明, made只是造) by Winston. However, Winston thought(用past tense) he was(漏了verb) silly and created a new invention afterwards(before long[不是before Along]是指不久之前). Then he discarded(棄置) Scapman to the scrap-yard. He didn't(用past tense) care and Scrapam(本來你沒有加賓語) and ingored him. Scrapman(算錯字) was(英文文法不用I FELT sad, 用I WAS sad) lonely as(when是指'當', 但他常常也在scrap-yard內. 'as'指'因為') he was alone in the scrap-yard. One day, he found a lot of waste material. He created his own invention, a Scarp-cat. Scrapt-cat brought him happiness(算錯字)(帶給他喜悅). After that, Winston knew Scrapman was clever. Finally they were(算錯字) very(算錯字) happy(happiness是noun, happy才是adjective)

我覺得這篇文章是小三程度的同學作的. 因為我得多grammatical mistake 同算錯字, 文法又不大通順. 又沒有用interesting vocabularies.
參考: me
2007-09-09 8:06 am
The main charater in this book is Scrapman. He is a mechanical man , who made by Winston. However, Winston think that he was silly and made a new invention before along.Then he put Scapman to the scrap-yard . He didn't care and ignored Scrapam. Scrapam felt lonely when he was in the scrap-yard alone. One day, he found a lot of waste material. He made his own invention,which a Scrap-cat. Scrap-cat gave him happiness.After that, Winston knew Scrapman was clever.Finally, they were very happy together.

I think it's Form 1 or Primary 6 work. Isn't it?
2007-09-09 7:18 am
The main character in this book is Scrapman. He was a robot, made by Winston. However, Winston thought he was silly and invented another robot.Then he put Scapman in the scrap-yard . He ignored Scrapman and didn't care about him anymore. Scrapman felt lonely in the scrap-yard. One day, he found a lot of waste material. He made his own invention, a Scrap-cat. Scrap-cat brought him happiness. After that,Winston knew that Scrapman was clever. Finally, they lived happily together.

I think this is a P.6 or a F.1 student's work. Am I right?
2007-09-09 6:17 am
2007-09-09 6:15 am

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