
2007-09-09 5:26 am
請幫忙詳細分析3988中國銀行走勢, 由於近日在3.97入市, 忽略了它在次按前後不一的問題, 現在總有些心慌! 但見它很有阻力, 好像難以升上高位! 直通車開啟又是否真的可以續漸攀升? 而長渣又是否可選? 它有否機會以倍數增長?

回答 (4)

2007-09-10 7:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Recommendation: BUY

Technical: Under $3.90 is a very good time to buy. First resist is $4.00 (I believe it will over $4.00 by this Friday. If not because of the DOW's fall on last Friday sharply, it had been reach $4.00 already) and second is $4.20 (really strong resist - it tried to break this point for several times but not success). If it go over $4.20, then target set to $4.50 ( it will be a 1 year target, according to some of the analyists, they aim for $4.50 or over, I saw one set the 1 year target for over $5.00. Solid support on $3.75. If it breaks, the second support is $3.65.

Fundamental: Low P/E (only around 20 this year), wide Business coverage (compare to the others, it has more branch and business worldwide), strong growth (over 50% earning growth), A/H share price concept (around 40% discounted), First bank has the "north water" concept (will boost the profit), But be carefully with the subprime mortgage problem (in my opinion, the subprime writeoff for BOC is no a big deal because the product BOC holds have higher credit levels. The problem is the economic growth for US may slow down which will affect the whole world economy. But this problem is not only for BOC, it is for all.)

The above is only my personal opionion, please take the advice as a reference and make your own decision. Good Luck for all.
2007-09-10 7:31 pm
why worry?3988 is a good stock,if you have money and time,you just need to buy good stocks ,no worry about the short terms prices raise and down,if you are always worry about this,do not buy stocks...its because you will easy to lost money.
remember that: 3988 is a good stock,no problem at all.
2007-09-09 7:00 am
2007-09-09 5:33 am
$4 no problem even somtimes up and down. wait for a week, it will have good news to $4.5, but what price are you expecting if sell?

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