唔該幫幫手 中學英文自我介紹80-100字

2007-09-09 1:56 am
我平時鐘意打機 踢波 其他運動都岩既
我最鐘意就係pe堂 最唔鐘意就係生活教育堂
我係學校身為領袖生 希望可以幫學校做一d熱心既工作
我得閒無野做個陣就得下音樂 睇下電影上下網

唔該幫幫手 一開頭要自我介紹個d野 幫我打埋牙>< 唔該.

回答 (2)

2007-09-09 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is not hard to write 150 words about yourself... let me give you some ideas...

1) How you spend *my* leisure time.
I like to play sports, espcially swimming and tennis. Although I am not a good swimmer, I enjoy swimming a lot. During summer holiday, I went swimming with my friend a lot..... I also enjoy playing tennis. My coach always complains that I hit too hard and he has lost a lot of tennis balls. ...

2) How I spend my weekends...
Every sunday, I will go yum cha with my grandparents. I do not like yum cha much as I think it is for old people. But I know that my grandparents like it, I am happy to go with them. Sometimes after yum cha, I will go out with my parents. I like going shopping with my mother. She is always so kind to buy my what I like....

3) How I spend my holidays...
I go out a lot with my friends during holidays. We will go swimming, playing tennis, shopping, karaoke or just staying at home. We like to do our holiday homeworks together.....

These are just some ideas for you... feel free to write whatever you want and change them!
2007-09-09 2:34 am
Hi everybody, I am xx.today I will tell you something about myself,
I like to play computer games I like to do execrises .I like P.E lesson very much.I hate living lesson.I am the leaner in the school.I hope I can do something good to others.I will listen to the mucis ,watch films and go to the Internet in my spare time. I like to eat ______.It is because __________.
I have many hobbies e.g___________.I like ______ best .It is because _____.That 's all for today . thank you for your time.

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