Primary 5 english tense

2007-09-09 12:27 am
My mother hopes i _____(cook) for dinner every day.

present tense or future tense?

i need to long explain. . .

回答 (6)

2007-09-09 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
My mother hopes I -will cook- for dinner everyday.
My mother hopes I -can cook- for dinner everyday.

hope, it means that it's not yet happened.

My mother hopes I will cook for dinner everyday
I do not cook for dinner everyday, and she wants you to cook in the future.
(realized yet? she wants you to cook in the future's everyday)
in this case, she wants me to cook starts from the up coming dinner.

My mother hopes I can cook for dinner everyday.
I do not have the ability to cook for dinner.
for example, if I don't know how to cook or I don't have time to cook, it will be 'hope i can cook'
No matter can or will, this sentense will still be future tense.

don't get fool by 'everyday'
參考: me, as an university student
2007-09-09 12:58 am

The use of hope, on the other hand, indicates that the speaker believes something is possible.

Sigurd hopes he can go to kayak camp. (he thinks it is possible)

看完上面的例子, 我覺得要用future tense.因為媽媽希望孩子每天做飯, 他是可以做到的, 但未必願意去做, 現在他沒有做飯, 但媽媽希望這個現實會改變 (是將來變 成每一天都飯 ......)

另外, 請參考Wish 的用法, 兩者是相反的:
The use of the verb "WISH" indicates that the speaker wants reality to be different. As in unreal conditionals, the use of a past or past perfect tense verb indicates that the situation is impossible or unlikely.

MN hopes her husband will take her dancing tonight. (he might, but he might not)

Sigurd wishes he could study Spanish in Costa Rica next summer. (but he believes he can't)*
2007-09-09 12:48 am
係present tense(即係不變)!
因為逢係出現every day o既句子就要用present tense!

係咩情況用Present tens?
句子,文章出現了always, usually, sometimes, daily, every day, once a week, twice a year, monthly, yealy……
係咩情況用Future tense?
句子,文章出現了next, soon
2007-09-09 12:38 am
My mother hopes i _____(cook) for dinner every day.

present tense or future tense?

present tense~
因為every day係等於日日都會做...
而日日都會做既就會係用present tense,
即係經常都會做都會係用present tense既....
參考: 自己
2007-09-09 12:32 am
Present tense :::

2007-09-08 16:34:08 補充:
because 係every day而every day 5 算係將來式so,,,應用Present tense ::: !!!
2007-09-09 12:31 am
future tense

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