YMCA 自助餐

2007-09-08 7:11 pm
YMCA 自助餐有無人食過,水準點呀,今想想食.請比意見,謝謝.

回答 (2)

2007-09-08 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you are asking about TST YMCA.

The food is generally better than some of the cheaper Hotel buffet, but they do not have a large selection of food. If they have the Ox-tongue then try it, was the best of the day.

2007-09-10 9:55 am
我食過油麻地YMCA 自助餐, 價錢平, 百幾蚊一個人, 款式唔算多, 不過食物味道唔錯

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