✔ 最佳答案
To ensure we can satisfie all households and feel proud to live in here.
The contest will be divided into three sectors, in the sports area. The purpose of this contest is to prove the ability of the competitors. We will judge them base on the stregth, intelligent, creativitvy and intellectual. We welcome all competitors to prepare a talent show for his versatility side. The Highest total scores will be the 3 links the versatile champion!
Play physical, mental strength and talent! This activity is an important concept. Through the participation in SKT, it can let the youth to challenge themselves and having a meaningful summer.
Campaign contest : (sub-racing and swimming two part)
Race in the housing estates around the periphery of the venue, regional competition and the establishment of start and end of will be set up previously, and the establishment of Division.
A swimming race will held in the clubhouse pool, pool management company before the arrangements for cleaning swimming pools and pool facilities inspection to ensure good water quality and facilities.
Talent Show
This will held in the clubhouse's activity room, before the suspension of loan activity room, cleaned, inspected all the good lighting and air-conditioning basic equipment.
Three things need for field if 10 clubs staff of the different positions would be required to borrow the security of the four security in each game to maintain order
Tournament on the 2nd will be responsible for all staff to the briefing