I know homosexual is inborn,but what about bi?

2007-09-07 1:41 pm
I have been with men,and it was ok,but now I don't even pay attention to em when I see pretty girls at the same time,I'm into girls more now,I don't know if I'm becoming Lesbian or I'm a Bi,Can any Bi tell me about your thought.Do u get turn on by both sexes?and How what makes people so sure that they like both sexes?
Sorry about my english if I've confused u & Thanks for your time to answer my question.

回答 (10)

2007-09-07 1:51 pm
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I don't think you can really say that homosexuality is 'inborn' or learned with everyone; I think different people experience different things, and react in different ways. Life isn't so clear cut. Besides, I personally don't think it matters who we have sex with (randy little creatures that we are), but more who we can fall in love with. You might have sex with one particular gender, and that's just a good time; but if you can;t ever fall in love with someone from that gender, then that probably explains your orientation a whole lot clearer, in this cow's humble opinion.

I have always preferred the opposite sex (vive la difference!), so I am not qualified to discuss bisexuality or homosexuality as well as some; but I can say never say never. Ya never know.
2007-09-07 2:22 pm
it's the same thing, you are like you are from birth.
2007-09-07 2:09 pm
Being bi is just being gay with heterosexual tendencies.
2007-09-07 1:46 pm
probably the same. bi people have more of a choice to do or not to do. they can be happy, with teh choice where they fit into society, and happy with the choice where they do not fit into society. so i think less bi peopel actually come out.
2007-09-07 1:56 pm
Bisexuality is a choice.
2007-09-07 1:47 pm
Half inborn; half not.
2016-10-10 3:10 pm
I also have a pair of questions i wish somebody who's gay or Bi Sexual can answer: one million) did you be attentive to at an early age which you have been distinctive from maximum individuals, such as you have been born that way? definite constantly replaced into involved in women 2) how lots of you who're gay / Bi Sexual evaluate Transgendered human beings to be mentally sick? (or no longer "legitemate") i like all of us I dont care in the event that they're LGBT F2M or M2F and noooo homosexuality isn't a ailment..
2007-09-07 1:51 pm
Bisexuality is as inborn as any other sexuality. Just because you like both sexes, does not mean you like them both equally, or for the same reasons. I am physically attracted to both, how ever, I am more physically attracted to women, but emotionally, and psychologically more attracted to men.

Please, do not listen to any one who says its a choice... Rubbish. Absolute Rubbish.
2007-09-07 1:49 pm
I would consider myself homosexual. I do not find men as physically appealing as woman.
Although I can get crushes and fall in love with men. Much like that Angelina Jole and Antonio Banderas. who are similar to what I described myself as.
I am a God worker and he sometimes gets me to turn homosexual woman and men bi (as in how I described myself)
I do it beacuse God tells me to. Sometimes these people get angry like a girl in the library I did this for.
2007-09-07 1:47 pm
Being bi doesn't mean that attraction for each gender is going to be 50/50. You might be attracted to both, but lean more towards one or the other. My mom only dates women now, but she did love my dad, and was married to him for 9 years.

I am attracted to women, but never met any I could have a relationship with. I have been with my boyfriend for 17 years.

Don't worry so much about labels. Just be who you are.

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