幫我諗諗開頭點作 10分

2007-09-08 5:57 am

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2007-09-08 6:45 am
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To give u two versions (版本) for your selection (選擇) & consideration (考慮):
Article 1 (文章一):
In last Summer vacations (假期), I finished lots of plannings. Firstly (首先), I took part (參加) in the activities (活動) held by the HK Federation of Youth Group (香港青年協會). I learnt (學習) playing guitar (結他). I learnt (學習) rowing (划) canoe (獨木舟). I enjoyed very much. Also, I made lots of friends there. In addition (再者), I tried to read the famous English fiction (小說), " Harry Potter " by the time being (當其時).
I hope that I can take good advantages (利用) of the holidays so as to learn new things, to make friendship and to polish up (改善) my poor English.
Article 2 (文章二):
In last Summer vacations (假期), I trifled away (投閒置散) most of the time. I played computer games. Sometimes, I would rather (寧願) go out with friends strolling around (隨處逛) the streets as my parents blamed (責備) me playing too much. Besides, I ate and slept a lot during the holidays resulted in (引致) getting much fatter. By the end of the holidays, I rushed to finish all the assignments (功課).
Yes, I admit (承認) that I have wasted (浪費) the time. By now, the new semester (學期=school term) is going ahead (開始). I should treasure (珍惜) the time and work much harder.

2007-09-09 22:22:13 補充:
Tks for the adoption in person by Mei Mei!
參考: My creation (創作)

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