
2007-09-08 5:28 am

回答 (2)

2007-09-08 6:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
同軸線 : 結構大致上如你所說是一心一網 或 多心一網。
75 Ohm : 用於 電視接收 。
300 Ohm : 用於 AES/EBU 介面的 CD機數碼傳輸。

2007-09-08 12:27:29 補充:
Raymond, Your are right, ! 75 Ohm can be use for CD/DVD Player Digital Out to Digital Amplifer or D/A Converter Digital IN
2007-09-08 5:48 am
should be no diffrence in struture,but the stanard for 同軸線 is usually said as 75 ohm

2007-09-08 11:50:04 補充:
75ohm同軸線也可以用於digital data transfer(from cd digital out to D/A conveter/cd to amp with digital conveter input)

2007-09-09 20:15:12 補充:
coaxial cable should be一心一綱for standard(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/coaxial_cable)
AES/EBU should be 110 Ohm(balanced) & 75 Ohm(unbalanced)
參考: self

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