
2007-09-08 2:11 am


回答 (3)

2007-09-11 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. You may try in FTU (工聯會)


2. Spanish is much more useful because Spanish can be spoken in many countries: Spain, Peru..... even many U.S. cities

2007-09-12 01:48:07 補充:
FTU is one of the cheapest way for the beginners, then you can apply to other organization (more professional but much more expensive) if you find out you really interested in Spanish later on.
參考: Self
2007-09-08 11:00 am
Countries that speak Italian : Italy & .....?

Countries that speak Spanish : Spain, Honduras, Mexico, El Cuardo, Guatemara...Basically most of the South America speak Spanish except Brasil & Guyana & a couple of small countries.

USA also uses Spanish as a 2nd language, you can tell by just looking at some of the country's places: California, Texas, Las Vegas, Florida, Arizona......all Spanish names.
2007-09-08 2:18 am
There are many courses in HK. You can find it on the Internet.

To be honest, I think Spanish is more useful because most countries in S. America use Spanish.

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