教我!!! 唔識!!

2007-09-07 10:51 pm
唔知點寫好.. ><"

I like a teacher who xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

好似咩kind呀.. 咩who makes me laugh咁呀.....

回答 (7)

2007-09-07 10:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If I can choose my own class teacher, I would like to have a (kind teacher/ teacher who always make me laugh).
參考: me
2007-09-07 11:49 pm
I like a teacher who is kind to the class.
I like a teacher who will talk to me when I am sad.
I like a teacher who have a lot of smile whatever.

Hope I can help you!
2007-09-07 11:11 pm
I like a teacher who was very kind ,she/he is care me ,she/he's lesson is fun.
參考: me
2007-09-07 11:01 pm
(1) I like a teacher who makes friends with me.

(2) I like a teacher who gives his/her E-mail to me.

^^ I hope I can help you! ^^

^^ 希望你可以選我做最佳回答! 謝謝! ^^
參考: 我是英文大使^^
2007-09-07 11:00 pm
I like a teacher who is kind and care about his/her student.
2007-09-07 10:58 pm
I like a teacher who always cheer me up.
I like a teacher who always take care of me.
參考: me
2007-09-07 10:57 pm
I like a teacher who is teaching my English lesson.

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