
2007-09-07 9:43 pm

回答 (2)

2007-09-08 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實水入了耳仔, 是會自己流出來的, 就算沒有即時流出來, 過兩至三天都會流出來, 跳幾下係可以幫助流出來, 但不要太大力, 如果跳幾下仍然不行, 就唯有等它自己出來了。
2007-09-07 9:50 pm
Because the water cover the 外耳.(no dangerou)
You can jump 5-10 seconds. (head must 向下)
Or 跳水多一次.
Or use you hand輕力拍打ear (but 輕力) (not 插)
When you jump 5-10 seconds,
head must 向下 and head must 打側.
搭飛機,上高山,搭高 lift,
because you have 高山症.
find a doctor.
傷風鼻塞 can't be a answer.Because 傷風鼻塞 will have nose water and feel tired.
Or you do too long sport or too 劇烈sport.Then you feel not good.

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