
2007-09-07 9:02 pm

回答 (2)

2007-09-07 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
最簡單的方法是想成公司比Allowance 給你, 而這是需報稅的. 可不需要取商業登記!

如果有問題或需幫忙, 請Email, [email protected] 比我.

Best regards,

Samson So
2007-09-09 9:18 pm
If a person lease a car to a company and received rental income, it may be consider by Inland Revenue Department - IRD a trading is being carried. If so, a Business Registration Certificate must be obtained from IRD.
The rental income AFTER direct expenses e.g. fuel, petrolum, depreciation allowance of the car and other related cost will then be taxable under profits tax. If it is sole-proprietorship business, the taxable income could be transferred to Personal Assessment ( getting personal allowances etc. ), if feasible, for tax savings purposes.

2007-09-17 20:56:51 補充:
If the person is not an employee, no use. Moreover, how about the MPF. Too dangerous to follow the advice. Put the answer here. why go to the answer's email. 如果有問題或需幫忙.Apparenty, a business advertisement.

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