如果BNO過期, 但已簽了十年的美國visa是否有效?

2007-09-07 7:56 pm
我的BNO 己過期年多了, 但我兩年前己經簽了十年的美國visa,是否仍生效? 而現時我持有有效的特區護照. 由於我將去關島(需要簽証或持BNO) -
Qs 1 - 那麼能否使用特區護照, 同時使用那本過期而簽了美國visa的BNO? 即不用再申請美國visa的了?
Qs 2 - 定係一定要再續BNO?

回答 (3)

2007-09-07 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 假如續 BNO 就一定無問題,新舊 BNO 一齊在過關時 present.
2. 特區護照和 BNO由兩個不同的政府簽發,入境國家可以拒絕的。就是以前曾經有人試過得,但你遇到的海關關員話唔得就唔得。
2007-09-07 8:49 pm
這是從美國領事館網頁找到的, 希望幫到你:

Can I travel on a valid U.S. visa in an expired passport?

Generally yes. If you have a valid U.S. visa in an expired passport, you may still travel to the U.S. on the valid visa, provided you travel with a valid passport of the same nationality as the expired passport and the two passports contain identical biographic data. For this purpose, both British National (Overseas) and Hong Kong SAR passports are considered the same nationality. As such, you may travel on a valid visa in an expired BN(O) passport with a valid HKSAR passport with the same biographical information, or vice versa. If you are traveling on valid visa in an expired passport, please be sure to travel with both the expired passport and the valid passport. Please note, however, that you may not travel on a valid visa in an expired People's Republic of China passport with a valid HKSAR passport, or vice versa, as these two passports are not considered the same nationality for this purpose.

Note that while you are not required to obtain a new U.S. visa in your new passport, you may do so if you like. If you choose to do so, however, you will be making a new application (see "How Do I Apply?").

我以前去過關島, 麻麻地好玩, 好商業化, 物價又貴, 三思!
2007-09-07 8:35 pm
是要再申請美國visa的,再續BNO都冇用,因為美國簽証不可轉移到新BNO or Passport。你可用特區護照申請美國visa時,可以帶同那本己過期但我己經簽了十年的美國visa的去做參巧,睇清楚本特區護照有效期是否夠長, 唔係再簽十年美國visa 都冇用。

我的舊特區護照簽咗永久美國visa, 新特區護照都要再申請美國visa, 唔係美國領事館何來收入。

2007-09-07 12:39:14 補充:
我在2007年3月去L.A., 過關好嚴, 舊方法不可行。

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