
2007-09-07 9:05 am
用"boutique""convenience store""department store""electronics shop""furniture shop""jewellery shop""flomst"作50字o既故事,唔好用字太深!




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2007-09-07 10:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Using the below items (項目) to write a 50 wordings passage (文章):
All the items being used, right? (全部項目都要用吧?)
boutique (時裝店)
convenience store (便利店)
department store (百貨公司)
electronics shop (電子商店)
furniture shop (傢俱店)
jewellery shop (珠寶店)
florist (花店)
Here, the place is Central District (中環). Everywhere (周圍) is so silent (安靜). Of course, it is in mid-night (午夜). Only the light at the street corner shines dimly (昏暗地). Two robbers (賊人) are busy enough as they are trying to break into (闖入) a jewellery shop. They have planned for long. The first site (地點) is this jewellery shop. Next, it is the neighbour (隔鄰) shop by getting through the wall between two shops. Jewellery shop, boutique, convenience store, department store, electronics shop, furniture shop and florist are the series of (一連串的) linking (連環) robbery (盜竊). If everything goes right, they will get rich once (一次性) in the event (事件).

2007-09-07 15:19:49 補充:

2007-09-07 15:33:03 補充:

2007-09-09 22:24:56 補充:
Tks for the appreciation & adoption in person by Oknow!
參考: My creation (創作)

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